Why Are There Contraindications to CBD

As you well know, CBD is known for its multiple analgesics, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory, and anticonvulsant properties… The list is endless! It is a potent natural alternative to opiates that is also non-toxic, non-addictive, and totally safe for our body. Still, the contraindications of CBD do exist and it is important to know about them, especially if you are taking certain medications. Read on to find out what they are and why you should be aware of them.
Is CBD oil a safe product?
First of all, don’t be alarmed. CBD is one of the safest compounds out there. It is revolutionizing the way we take care of our health, in a natural and environmentally friendly way.
That’s why, for many, it has become an incredible alternative to certain medications that cause very harmful side effects to our bodies. In fact, after an exhaustive analysis, the World Health Organization concluded that CBD has a very good safety profile.
If in some cases there are adverse effects, it is usually because the person consuming it is following medical treatment. In that case, CBD may interact with such medication.
Why are there contraindications to CBD?
If you are undergoing opioid treatment, you should consider whether CBD can interact with the medication in question and cause unwanted effects. And why does this happen?
When we consume drugs, our liver is in charge of the “first-pass” process. That is, it metabolizes the drugs before the substances are distributed throughout our bodies. To achieve this, it uses enzymes that break down the drugs into small basic compounds called metabolites. The circulatory system then distributes them throughout our body.
Well, when we consume CBD, the procedure is completely the same. For that reason, when we consume certain types of drugs together with CBD, if both are metabolized by the same enzymes, interactions occur that can cause CBD to alter that process and take all the attention of the liver.
CBD and medications
If you take CBD with other medications, you should be aware that depending on the drug you are taking, you may experience certain adverse effects. The important thing in these cases is that you understand why this is happening, consult with your doctor and he/she will guide you to regulate the dosage.
CBD (or Cannabidiol) can interact in three different ways with CYP450 enzymes and produce different drug interactions, depending on whether it reduces metabolism, enhances metabolism, or works synergistically with these drugs:
Inhibitory effect of CBD
If the effect of CBD is inhibition, it means that it slows down the action of the enzyme. That is, being the enzyme responsible for metabolizing a drug, in the presence of CBD it breaks it down more slowly.
And what does this cause? That the concentration of the drug in our body is higher. This can increase the toxicity and adverse effects of the drug in question. A good example would be antivirals, antifungals, and antibiotics.

What can we do about this?
In these cases, we can use lower doses of medication, which can be very positive for our organism. We will reduce side effects and increase our quality of life.
Inducing effect of CBD:
If, on the contrary, the effect of CBD is induction, it enhances the action of decomposition of the drug by the enzyme. Therefore, the drug is metabolized faster and the amount of the drug decreases. In other words, there will be less of the drug than expected and its effects will be diminished, so we may not get the desired effects. This can happen, for example, with certain hormonal contraceptives. In this case, CBD can prevent a type of estrogen called Estradiol from performing its function, as it binds to the same receptors as it does.
What can we do about it?
If the medication we are taking interacts in this way with CBD, it is best to consult with our doctor to readjust the dosage or opt for a drug that is not affected by CBD. In addition, we can choose to consume CBD by sublingual or inhaled route, as this way we will largely avoid this interaction in the liver.
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